Monday, April 1, 2013

Our 115 day World Cruise, day 86, at sea!

It is the day after Easter and all is well.  We went to Starbucks this morning and had coffee all alone.  We were hardly speaking as both of our minds were elsewhere.

After coffee we went to Walmart to pick up a few things!
We had to wait as the nice lady got change from headquarters!  LOL!  The lady ahead of us was not happy as she waited to get her change.  It took quite awhile...and you would expect it to take long ..... as they had to go all the way to Missouri!  lol!

After Walmart we ran home and then it was time for Vicki to go for her nuclear  treadmill test as it was today.  It appears that she did very well on the test and she was out in under 2 hours.  Now she has an appointment on the 8th  to find out the results.  Then on the 10th she will see the pulmonary doctor and we should know where everything stands!

Yesterday when we were at the family dinner, Rodney, Mark's cousin showed me the pictures  he took  at the Botanical Gardens  last week.  I told him that I would like to put them in the here they are.  The photos were taken with his iPhone 5.

Photos  by Rodney Stice, Phoenix Arizona                                                                                









                                   Thank You Rodney for sharing your pictures with us!

Where we did not go today .....but the Amsterdam did!

Pictures of the day!  by Kween Karen, taken yesterday!


                                                 Thank You Kween Karen!

Postcards from Paradise!
At Sea!
First things first, we wish you all a very Happy Easter!  Many activities were planned today on the ship to commemorate this special event.  An Easter Sunrise Ecumenical Service took place on the aft deck at 6am, a bit too early for us weary travelers.  At 8am, another Interdenominational Worship Service was held in the Queens Lounge.  Then, a 9am, an Easter Mass was given by the Catholic priest onboard.  Guess that covered about everyone.

An Easter egg hunt took place at 10am, followed by the Easter Bonnet Fashion Show and Competition, once again, in the Queens Lounge.  A different kind of Easter Egg  seminar was given by a guest gemologist in the Wajang Theater, while what would Easter be without an egg toss?  That happened at 11:30am in the sports court, deck 9.  Oh more event, the Easter Bonnet Bonus Bingo for guests who dared to wear their Easter hat or bonnet to the game this afternoon.

What was obviously missing was their famous Easter Brunch, always held in the La Fontaine Dining Room at 11am.  What happened there?  That is an extravaganza that most all guests looked forward to seeing and indulging in the meal.  We have always lined up early to take photos of the food displays, especially the dessert trays.  And this is where we knew we could help ourselves to the foil-covered chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs.  We did find the dining room highly decorated with Easter mobiles and fancy-covered columns, but that is for the formal dinner tonight.  Perhaps they are saving this event for another venue.  We surely hope it has not bit the dust and gone by the wayside like many traditions do.

We noticed that during our morning walk, the razor wire on the promenade deck was gone.  In fact, we did not notice the guards on duty last night when we walked after dinner.  Seems to us that we are still in a very sensitive area for pirate activity, sandwiched between the island of Madagascar and the mainland of Africa.  But what do we know? 

When we returned from our walk, we had two boxes of truffles and two very cute Steiff bunnies on a keyring laying on our bed with Easter cards and a gift card.  It said the staff and precious crew, along with the Captain and Hotel Manager wished us all a Happy Easter with the delicacies of chocolate and bunnies in the form of the traditional gifts.  Later in the day, Barb said that foil-covered chocolate Easter bunnies and Easter eggs were in the Lido at lunchtime, and they all got scooped up immediately.  Can you believe we have chocolate horders on this ship???

Barbara H. was the only speaker today with things to do and see in Durban.  As for us, we don't need to know because we won't be here.  That's the day we leave for Kruger National Park and the safari we planned last summer.  The other lecturers had the day off, due to so many different activities happening onboard.

Grasshoppers, that was a subject brought up by the Captain in regards to our visit to Madagascar.  Recently in the news, we heard there was a plague of them, but in the southern part of the island.  Although we never saw one while we were in Nosy Be, two of them did land on the aft deck this afternoon.  Quite large, they hopped away before we had a chance to get a really good look. 

The usual friendly yum-yum boy in the dining room was not in his spot tonight, dispensing the Purell.  That was due to the fact that he was dressed up as the Easter Bunny instead.  His job was to go to each table and look cute or something.  We felt sorry for him, because that furry costume, complete with a bunny head, must have been so hot and unbearable.  We were joined tonight by our new Aussie buddies, Pamela and Stuart.  They are both in the medical field, doctors we think,and have great senses of humor.  Too bad they are leaving in Cape Town.  Anyway, dinner for us was ham, the home-style cooking entree.  Sometimes simple is good.

Hope tomorrow's weather is as good as today's.....sunny and breezy.  It was nice.

Bill & Mary Ann

 At Sea

What can I say….  Another perfect day at sea!  Today as filled with excitement as we near Maputo and ready for our safari adventure.  This afternoon there was a fun charity event at the pool, dunking the staff for dollars.  It gave us all a chance to donate to a very worthy cause, raising money for the children at the Bernard Noordkamp Center in Namibia.  What a great cause!  After tonight, for the next week, I will update the blog the best I can.  In the end, there will be at least one posting per day….  Just could be late.

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