Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, Holiday Weekend!

We are spending a nice quiet day at home.....went to coffee, Walmart, QT and then home.  We were going to grill hot dogs but decided they have too much salt in them.  So, now we are in eat the freezer mode.  This is good.....try to not eat sugar and salt!

This afternoon we will go and see Rosine and then we will be done for the day!
Rosine is very frustrated because she is still having problems walking.  She does not seem to want to accept that if she is not using her muscles that they are going to atrophy.  Since she is unable to do any extra walking I suggested to her that she lock her walker after she puts it in front of her and that she stand up.....stand up for as long as you this through out the day...standing will help her muscles maintain and help with her balance.  She says she cannot do it because she is wobbly.  She does not understand that if she does not use the muscles that she will totally loose them.  She believes, at some level that the chiropractor will build her muscles....also if she starts taking cocoanut oil it will help her muscles.  I don't know what else I can say to her.....after all she is 94 years old and has a mind of her own.  She has a tendency to listen to what I say....tell me why she cannot do it....thinks about it....then she comes up with the idea, thinking it is her own....this is fine...hopefully she will get it before she is full time in a wheel is not far away at this rate!


Today is the 2nd Dear Dad letter.  We really were too funny trying to get into the parking garage!


Another day and another in the adventures of Vicki and Sandi.

today we decided to try a new approach to getting into the garage without turning across a busy street.  this means going 7 blocks out of the way.  all i can say is that after we made 3 wrong turns and had gone   20 extra blocks, almost 2 miles out of our way we finally reached the garage opening.  again we must say  DEAR DAD...HAVE TO MOVE...CAN'T FIND THE GARAGE.!  Don't tell Mom!  lol!  

Into the garage and turn left....wrong...back up and go back...turn right.    up a floor, turn left and what do you know.  there it is. But there is a big speed bump in the middle of where she needs to turn...oh, no not again...DEAR DAD...HAVE TO MOVE, SPEED BUMP IN MIDDLE OF MY PARKING SPACE...DON'T TELL MOM!  lol!

talked to the old owner who did not have my pass key  ready for me today.  he informed us that he should keep one of the keys in case we get locked out.  DEAR DAD...have to move...old owner won't give me my key!  DON'T TELL MON!  lol!

Now, we thought, things are going to change.  I saw the man next door and went down the hall to introduce myself to him.  Vicki followed and what a wonderful surprise.  he filled us in on a lot of things including how pushy the old owner was.  they leave their doors open when they are accepting visitors and about 400 they get together for wine.  he said that the man across the hall loves to bake and  the rule is if you make something and the smells go out in the hall, you have to share.  well, what do you know?  DEAR DAD...STAYING HERE... LOVE IT!... REALLY NICE PEOPLE!.. WILL PARK ON THE STREET......WILL CHANGE THE LOCKS!... TELL MOM!  lol!
This Lyle and Terry who live next door to us in our new condo....we did have have a lot of fun with them

Be careful out there!


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