Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, Spa day at Starbucks!

Well, this was indeed a different coffee time.  Sandi came in and approached Vicki...."""I don't mean to hurt your feelings but you have a lot of black hairs on your chin!  I brought my tweezers and after we have breakfast I am going to tweeze out those hairs!"  lol!  Vicki got all excited and said she really wanted to do it!  So, after we had our bagels, the 3  of us marched out to the patio and off to the side so that people inside could not see Vicki's operation!  lol!

Now, hold still or I will hurt you!  1, 2, 3, 4...OMG, you have more than I thought!  lol!

Now hold still and let me check you!  Sandi said as she grabbed me!  Well, I'll be darned, the blind lady only has one!  lol!

Meanwhile back in Starbuck's, Irwin was patiently waiting for all the surgeries to be over and looking forward to hearing the good news that " all the hairs were extracted without any complications and the patients are both doing well and do not need "last rites"!  lol!

Vicki and I ran to Kohl's and then went home....oops, we forgot to go to Curves....maybe tomorrow!

After a few hours at home, Vicki and I went over to see Rosine...we made her play cards with us!  That might not have been such a good idea because, of course, she won!  It was a new game for her and she kept claiming that she did not understand it!  Right...she won didn't she?  lol!

Before we go on to the Dear Dad letter for today, I must tell you a story that happened when we were trying to get a condo in this building!

Before Vicki actually got this condo she had put offers on 4 other condo's in the building.  We had been over to the condo's and had just found out we did not get the 4th one.  We decided that we would take a walk over to the park which meant we would walk right by the Episcopal Church where I had been married twice!
As we rounded the corner in front of the church.....and were talking that maybe we should rethink living in Hillcrest as we were feeling as though we were being black balled...boom, down Vicki went, landing flat on her face...I was sure that it was a bad sign, especially since it happened right in front of the church and the last man I had married there was an Episcopal Priest!  I was frantically trying to scoop Vicki up as a small black convertible pulled up and a nice looking young man jumped out of the car and came running toward us!  "Are you all right?"  He helped Vicki up ...straightened out her glasses and jumped back into his little sports car and whizz and he was gone!  Vicki saw this as a good omen and that we should continue trying to get a condo in the Coral Tree Plaza building.


It seems like years ago but in actuality it was just 6 weeks ago today that we moved into the new condo.  Of course the fact that we were gone 3 weeks and 2 days  of the last 6 weeks does muddy the picture.  

Let's back track and see what has transpired during that time.

After we arrived and got through the initial shock of the move we tried to start settling in.  Before we left, as you remember. we discovered that our neighbor John was the " nice boy ", who fixed Vicki's glasses when she fell on 6th ave several months ago.  from this day forward he will be known as Johnny Angel.

The day before we left for Scottsdale we were in a bustle.  Johnny Angel was hanging our dining room light, a new bathroom fixture, and lowered the cable cord so that it is no longer in the middle of the wall at eye level.   Who ever installed that cable must not have been able to bend over to put it at base board level.    Lou was busy cleaning blinds and trying to hang them and I was busy doing windows and trying not to fall 6 floors to a bloody death. Vicki was running from room to room trying to help as needed.    The nice man from the blind cleaning company cleaned and reinstalled  the clean blinds 
and we were ready to go.  almost....Says Johnny Angel ...  your dryer is venting through the dining room vent and blowing across the room.  right on to the dining room table of course. lol!

Lou hung the clean drapes and the Travis rod promptly fell from the ceiling.  The big scree T.V. quit working  and we wheeled the smaller one to the living room.  lol!

We bought a load of stuff from Home Depot and left it piled in the middle of the living room so Lou could work while we were gone.  

We left Lou, the downed Travis rod, the stopped up dryer vent, the broken T.V.  and  the pile of supplies and went to Scottsdale.   We had a wonderful time and forgot about all the problems.  We actually forgot where we lived as we had been there such a short time. lol! 

While in Scottsdale the Travis rod fell out of the ceiling 2 more times,  the dining room lamp was too high and the sewer backed up and flooded the master bedroom.  When we got home the drapes were on the floor, the master bathroom had a fan running to dry out the carpet, there was dirty water in the bathroom drawers, and guess what that was?  and the lamp was still too high. lol!

Lou had done a wonderful job painting all the woodwork and fixing some other odds and ends of things.    But he had  his own set of problems while we were gone.  He tried to paint the doors on the balcony and they got dirty and had to have another coat, the Travis rod fell again and  he couldn't put the condo numbers on the front door as it was steel.

Dear DAD,Please don't tell mom but we are having lot of problems  and think we should just pack up and move.....the Travis rod is down and can't get up, the light fixture is up and can't get down, the sewer is in the house instead of in the drain and my nail bent when i tried to hang a picture over the fireplace.


Today Johnny Angel came over.  he hung the picture on the cement wall, hung the Travis rod on the cement ceiling, fixed an electrical outlet and worked on my computer.  the next door neighbors brought us a care kit which consisted of different things and ways to hang pictures on cement walls.  j.a. will finish the dining room lamp tomorrow.  the T.V. repair man came today and Lou will be here tomorrow to paint the master bedroom. lol!

Dear Dad....disregard my last letter.  Angels are appearing out of no where and everything seems to magically be falling into place.  
Could use a bottle of Tylenol as I have this strange headache.  speaking of things falling into place I just flushed my toilet and I broke the toilet...the whole bowl cracked....I just don't get it.... I think I need to move...AGAIN...DEAR DAD....HELP.....don't tell Mom!  lol!

Be careful out there!


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