Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bad day!

This is not going to be very long as I am very upset and I don't want to heart procedure!  lol!As you all know, we had to change beauty operators.  The new one we are going to does not do perms.  In fact only 1 person in that salon does perms.  There were several options of places to go.  I think the girl I chose does not do many perms.  She started out in the back of my head, which I thought was strange.  then she ripped them all out and went to the top of my head.  I thought I was in trouble, so I said....are you comfortable doing perms.  She assured me she was but I did not believe her.  When she told me the brand she was using, I knew I was in trouble.  I then asked her how do you time the perm?  She said 15-20 minutes....I said if I go 20 I will be fried as I have used this brand before.  Vicki went to McDonalds and got us some lunch.  The timer, I guess in her mind, started ticking.  After I ate my hamburger and fries, I looked at my watch and 17 minutes later, here she came.  Do you think that the 10 minutes it took for me to eat my lunch counted?  Yes, it did!  Where she went, I don't know!...The ends of my hair are burned....she careful with your hair as it is really dry!  Hmm, it was not dry when I went in there.  So, what did I accomplish?  My hair is 2 shades lighter, which is a good bald spots still show...and my ends are all dried out!  Now, whose fault is this....the operators, of course as well as the circumstances that caused me to change operators!  Not fair!

We went to see Rosine this morning.  We both walked in and said "good morning, how are you?"  She did not answer.  I should have known my perm was not going to go well!

What can I say!  It was not a good day!

Be careful out there, I wasn't!  lol!

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